New Rules About UK Nationals and Relatives in Ireland


The Brexit will not affect UK nationals residing in Ireland. They will still be able to travel, reside, work and have access to education, healthcare and social services in Ireland, as the Common Travel Area provides protection to them. No documentation is needed under the Withdrawal Agreement for UK nationals to continue their lives in Ireland after Brexit.

However, separate arrangements are being made for non-EEA family members and dependents of UK nationals residing in Ireland, who may be eligible to exercise EU Treaty Rights. They must hold a valid Irish Resident Permit based on this directive, known as ‘EUFAM’. Such family members will continue to enjoy residence rights in Ireland and will only need to exchange their current valid Irish Resident Permit (IRP) card for a new one, which can be done through an online renewal system administered by the Immigration Service of the Department of Justice.

If you are a non-EEA family member of a UK national residing in Ireland, you need to confirm that you have been exercising EU Treaty Rights to reside in the State on or before Brexit, submit your current valid Irish Residence Permit card and apply for a new one by New Year’s Eve. Applications will continue to be processed even if a decision is not made until after Brexit.

For UK nationals who wish to live in Ireland after Brexit, their rights under the Common Travel Area will still be protected. A new scheme will be introduced for them to bring their non-EEA family members to Ireland.

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